We enjoyed the school Christmas concert again this year. It's funny because each year it is usually the same as the last just with different children performing the songs. Still a crowd pleaser though! Shelyn was in the JR. Choir this year. She really loves her music. She said that she want to be in the band next year playing the guitar...stay tuned! Unfortunately, Carson was not feeling well and marched in with his class but had to come and sit with us while his class was on stage. He was so upset and said "mommy, I'm sad that you can't see me sing" talk about melting your heart! He was able to perform his song to the family on Christmas.
Our baby girl turned 8 years old on Christmas eve! WOW...where has the time gone? Shelyn had her friends over for a birthday celebration the week before Christmas...all eleven of them. Unfortunately there were a few that were not able to attend. I organized a scavenger hunt for them in the house . It was a little crazy with all eleven running around the house but they really seemed to enjoy it!
A little winter wonderland at our house! Everything looks so clean an pure this time of year! Love my country living!
A few weeks before Christmas we traveled to Perth, On to celebrate the season with my cousins , aunt and uncle and second cousins on my dad's side. We had a blast...as we always do. We all live busy lives so don't get together as much as we would like but it's like we had just seen each other yesterday when we do! A great time! Miss you guys!
This is the kids table...wow, I remember sitting at this table when I was just a wee one. Shelyn and Carson enjoyed their time with cousins Jake, Mya and Sophie
We also managed to watch the Perth Santa Claus parade after dinner. It was interesting trying to keep the kids entertained while we waited patiently for the parade to arrive. Chris had to contain Jake on his shoulders as well as Uncle Shaun(my brother) with Carson. Those peeking eyes are my cousin Chris...sorry Chris!
We celebrated our Aubertin Christmas with my in-laws on Christmas eve. Unfortunatly Rene worked Christmas Eve, Christmas day and Boxing day but did manage to stop by for some food and alittle visit. My mother in -law is a wonderful cook and always puts on a great feast to enjoy! We enjoyed opening lots of gifts Christmas eve. There was many,MANY gifts to open! We are very blessed and I just hope Shelyn and Carson treasure and appreciate thia years from now! Thank you so much! You always spoil us.
Shelyn enjoying her Baby Alive doll . She is a really "mother-hen" and still enjoys her dolls. She is so much like me when I was her age!
" I think I see a red light in the sky" Carson was sure he saw Santa's sleigh. We then listened to the Norad broadcast on the radio telling us where Santa was...the radio said the military was sending out the fighter jets to check out the un-identified object in the sky. I thought Carson was going to cry. We had to explain what was happening... to this day I still don't know if he fully realized what was happening:)
MERRY CHRISTMAS!! The kids slept in until 7:30am. Rene and I were up around 6:30 and couldn't believe the kids were still sleeping. Santa always locks the pocket door between the kitchen and hallway so they can not peek! They are so good to wait for us! I know this wouldn't last long!
Trying to get Cruiser in the photo shoot!
Star Wars fan
We enjoyed another Christmas dinner at my mom and dad's Christmas day. We were so glad My brother and his Girlfriend (Cat) and my Uncle Ron could join us for a wonderful meal! We almost needed to take two vehicles with all of the gifts! A highlight was the Robotic vacuum Rene and I got from our parents. This was a wonderful surprise and it works really well. I couldn't wait to get home and use it! Thank you mom and Dad!
Santa tucked a scrapbook magazine and my favorite loose tea in my stocking this year! He sure knows what I like!:)
On boxing day we get together with my moms siblings, my cousins, great cousins and a few special Friends. In total there are 43 of us (my mom has seven sibling plus her) I have 15 cousins and their spouses and 6 second cousins. Our family has grown rapidly over the last tens years so we rent a hall that can accommodate us all. As busy as our lives maybe , it's still wonderful that we can get together. Unfortunately my grandmother and grandfather passed away many years ago but I know they are looking down on us with a HUGE smile on the their faces and Joy in their eyes.
Shelyn enjoying some tunes on her new Ipod and Carson enjoying his tunes on his new MP3 player. Do they look tired or what?
Carson enjoying some R&R after a busy Christmas season!
We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! Thank you so much for all of the Christmas greeting cards and pictures we received this season. The kids love going to the mail box to get them!
All the best of health and happiness in 2009!
Rene, Krista, Shelyn, Carson and Cruiser!